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An external guest is a participant in a CUE-hosted Google Meet who does not use (or have) a CUE Google account.  They may be an invited speaker, a contractor, or any other sort of individual participating in a CUE meeting or class.  They are distinguished from CUE participants, who are anyone participating in the Google Meet using their CUE Google account (either or  Therefore, an instructor or student who connects to a Google Meet and does not use their CUE Google account will be treated as an external user.

Unlike CUE participants, external guests may are not always automatically permitted entry into Google Meets.  If the account they are invited with is not a Google account (and they are not signed in), they will need to make a request to join, which must be approved by the meeting host, before entering.  If the external guest that was invited to a Meet is logged in to Google with the same account that was invited (even if not a part of CUE), they will be directly admitted into the meeting.  This means that your external users will have slightly different experience based on their organization's setup (are they a Google G Suite user?) and whether they are logged into that account when they try to join the meeting.
